
named after Labrador, Canada, the place where it was first found, this gemstone comes in beautiful shades of yellow, green, and shades of blue


Joy, happiness, calming, intuition


I open to the magic of my own intuition and Higher Self


February and March

Zodiac Sign



Labradorite is a gemstone that was named after Labrador in Canada, where it was found on the Isle of Paul, near Nain in 1770. It has since been found in other places, including Finland, Madagascar, and Australia. After its discovery, labradorite became popular with the missionaries. Labradorite is a plagioclase feldspar which shows adularescence (a white or bluish light seen when turned). This optical effect is so unique to labradorite that it has been termed “labradorescence”. It is the result of diffraction of light in the layers of rock.

When viewed at certain angles, labradorite exhibits such captivating colour that has led to Inuit legends stating that the Northern Lights shone down on the shores of Labrador and were captured inside these colourful stones.

The most highly valued labradorite is material that shows the full spectrum of colour in its labradorescence. Labradorite that does not exhibit labradorescence can still make beautiful gemstones because of aventurescence, which is a glitter caused by diffraction of light from mineral platelets.

Labradorite is mostly cut en cabochon or into fancy shapes for pendants. This is because cabochons maximize the iridescence. However, transparent gemstones can be faceted. Labradorite can also be cut into spherical shapes for beaded jewellery

The gemstone is thought to be a magical stone that possesses powerful protective properties and helps its wearer to find their true path in life. It is thought to “bring light” to the otherwise unknown, and thus provide its wearer with insight. Additionally, labradorite is credited with having the ability to bring out the positive in people and calm overactive minds, bringing peace to its wearer.

In traditional Hindu belief systems, labradorite is associated with the throat chakra, or vishuddha, which is the center of purification. The throat chakra is associated with hearing, speech and self-expression. Wearing labradorite is thought to contribute to true and honest expression. Labradorite is said to facilitate communication between the spiritual and physical world, helping its wearer to recall dreams and experiences from past lives. It is therefore thought to help bring out psychic abilities.