Lapis Luzuli

is the birthstone for September, and for those born under Sagittarius and the 9th year of marriage


Humanity, discretion, grace, sensitivity, tenderness, and honour


I am made with the same beauty and intelligence that created the universe. I am light. I am perfect as I am.



Zodiac Sign:

Lapis Luzuli is the birthstone for Sagittarius (November 21 – December 21)

Wedding Anniversary:

9th anniversary


Lapis Luzuli

Lapis lazuli, often referred to as just ‘lapis’, has been used as a gemstone for thousands of years. It has been mined from Afghanistan since the early 7th millennium BC, and it was discovered in ancient burial sites throughout the Caucasus, the Mehrgarh and even as far as the Republic of Mauritania. The funeral mask for the ancient Egyptian pharaoh ‘King Tut’ was even discovered to have been decorated with lapis lazuli.

Lapis Lazuli is a powerful crystal that can activate your higher mind and enhance your intellectual ability. It stimulates the desire for gaining knowledge, for truth and for understanding. This gem can help you in the process of learning. It can also help enhance your memory.

A stone of truth, Lapis encourages honesty of the spirit, but also in spoken and written word. You can carry this stone for all forms of deep communication. This is a stone for true friendship and will bring harmony into your relationships. It connects relationships, and encourages expression of inner feelings and emotions.

Another quality of the Lapis is that it can bring you protection against psychic attacks, it will block this energy and send it back to its source. Stress is released, replacing it with peace. Lapis brings harmony and inner self-knowledge. Encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression and reveals your inner truth, providing qualities of honesty, compassion and morality to the personality. Stimulates objectivity, clarity and encourages creativity. Lapis Lazuli helps to stand up and speak your truth. It inspires great confidence. It can resurface things that may have been suppressed, decrease disease or anger that has been repressed.

This historical stone has a name closely associated with its intense colour. Its name was derived from the Latin word ‘lapis’ meaning ‘stone’, and from the Arabic and Persian word ‘lazaward’. ‘Lazaward” was the Persian name for lapis stone, as well as the name of its mining location. In other parts of the world, words for ‘blue’ were named after the colour of lapis, including the English word ‘azure’; Italian ‘azzurro’; Polish ‘azur’; Spanish ‘azur’ and Romanian ‘azuriu’. Today, lapis lazuli is still considered to be one of the most important opaque blue gemstones available.

Lapis usually forms in crystalline marble through the geological process of contact metamorphism and due to its composition, it is technically defined as a rock rather than a mineral. It is primarily composed of lazurite, while the remaining composition is made up of sodalite, calcite, pyrite and other various minor constituents. The varying composition is what influences its exact colouring.